Autumn Term
The Autumn Term finishes w/c 21st October.
The term includes Beach Party, Baby Pumpkin and Singing in the Rain to name just a few!
The full block is £60 - or incremental depending on how many classes of the block are left. (3 week trials are available for £24)
Pay As You Go option is available on the 13.30 classes on Tuesday and Wednesday and 12.30 on Thursday
Weekend Specials - Pumpkin Parties and Baby's First Christmas
Pumpkin Parties - just 6 spaces left
Baby's First Christmas Party will be released for booking on Thursday 26th September at 8pm.
Baby's First Christmas will be held on Saturday 7th December 10am, 11.30am, 1pm, 2.30pm and 4pm. This class is £15.
Please follow us for news of upcoming specials
Facebook nuneaton and hinckley baby sensory or Instagram nuneaton_babysensory