Winter term bookings
Our Winter term starts on week of 7th January in Woking for 6 weeks and the fee is £54 and on 15th January in Bagshot for 5 weeks and the fee is £45; classes are 45 minutes long. If you join part way through, you will only be charged from the week you join.
Class times
Tuesdays at Woking Salvation Army Hall in Woking at 10.45am and 12.00pm
Wednesdays at Bagshot Pavilion and Playing Fields in Bagshot at 10am, 11.15am and 12.30pm; Hello Baby at 2pm (1 hour)
Thursdays at St. Paul's Church in Woking at 10am, 11.15 am and 12.45pm
Fridays at Woking Salvation Army Hall in Woking at 10am, 11.15am and 12.45pm
See times, venues and days on the Timetable.
A bit more about Baby Sensory
Our weekly Baby Sensory classes offer a world full of exciting experiences for babies from birth up to 13 months which give everyone a wonderful sense of wellbeing. Backed by over 35 years of research, Baby Sensory was the first (and original) baby programme to offer a complete approach to learning and sensory development.
What makes us unique is that every activity has been carefully designed to stimulate your baby's senses and move development and learning forwards, creating a wonderful time of sensory exploration for you and your baby to share during that precious first year.
Classes run weekly and include magical experiences for your baby including light shows, beautiful textures, friendly puppets, bubbles galore and a new adventure each week - all designed to help your baby's development in their crucial first year.
Hello Baby Reflexology, Yoga and Massage
Hello Baby is a truly unique class specifically designed for babies from birth-3 months. New course starting in September.
The programme has been developed by the founder of the hugely successful Baby Sensory classes– Dr Lin Day (PhD, M.Phil, PGCE, BSc, Dip Ed).
Over the course you will experience a different session each time. Hello Baby helps you understand and support your new baby from tummy time tips, to understanding baby’s body language, massage, reflexology, tips on colic, crying and comforting techniques plus so much more.
The course is truly enlightening, helping you to:
- Understand what your baby is saying so you can adapt care-giving responses to meet their needs
- Develop loving touch techniques through baby massage, reflexology, yoga, sensory integration activities and back to the womb containment.
- Learn new techniques that can help calm and relax your baby and promote sleep
- Help to manage and reduce symptoms of colic
- Investigate comfort techniques that can effectively reduce crying
- Find support by meeting parents going through the same worries, challenges and celebrations as you are.
- Ask question from the experts giving you boosted confidence
To book, choose Hello Baby from the dropdown, or join the wait list for the next course. If your baby isn't born yet, you can add their due date when you register.