Baby Sensory classes are an amazing sensory experience for both adult and baby to enjoy. Classes are filled with singing, baby signing, social playtime, exploratory play, music and songs.
Experiences include light shows, balloons, balls, textures, rainbows, feathers instruments, puppet shows and of course bubbles … lots and lots of bubbles.
If you attend from birth to 13 months you will never attend the same class twice … so what are you waiting for?
What you need to know …
What to bring to your session?
Please bring clean socks, hand sanitiser, changing bag items and a blanket for baby to lie on if you wish. All props and equipment will be provided for you and your baby for use during the session.
Class Layout and Cleaning Protocol
Individual mats will be laid out around the sensory area, please do not move them. There is plenty of room in the venue entrances to leave pushchairs and car seats. Please remove shoes and put on your clean socks before moving to your mat.
There is a full cleaning protocol of venue touch points along with all equipment and props in between each class.
Please do not attend class if you or your baby have any COVID symptoms or if you have been in contact with anyone with symptoms or tested positive for COVID.
Nappy Changing
Nappy changing facilities are available, please bring you own nappy change items and mat and take your soiled nappies home with you.
Food & Drink
Please feel free to breast or bottle feed baby at any point during the class. If baby has solid food please do not feed baby at the sensory or exploratory areas, this will help reduce the risk of exposing other babies to potential allergens.
Missed Classes
We are unable to refund or credit missed classes, however if you know you are unable to attend a session you may offer your class to a friend or donate your space for another mummy to attend in your place. Please inform your class leader of your preference at least 24 hours before class to enable details to be added to the class register. If there is available space, we will always try and accommodate you in another session in that same week. Please contact your class leader for more information.
Extra attendees/Siblings
If you would like to bring a visitor along to class this would be lovely, please just let you class leader know prior to class. Unfortunately, due to company policy and insurance regulations we are not allowed to accommodate siblings in class.
So what are you waiting for?
Come and join us as we ‘Say Hello to the Sun’