Cindy Smallwood
I have worked with children and families for over ten years in different settings. Before Baby Sensory I was the Manager of a local Sure Start Childrens Centre.
I have now been running Baby Sensory classes since 2012!
I was introduced to Baby Sensory classes whilst managing the Children's Centre. It was by far the best Class I saw, there is a lot of colour and Sensory activities but it is not overwhelming!
I attended as a parent with my daughter and we both loved the classes!
My daughter loved the different activities and was absolutely entranced with the sessions. I watched her develop so many different skills.
I can thoroughly recommend the Baby Sensory Classes as they have a bit of everything in them and are a lot of fun.
For any other information, please email on or phone me on 07527131090
Postgraduate Diploma in Early Years Integrated Centre Leadership