Please kindly read the following before booking your space in class – many thanks.
Twin/triplet bookings
If you would like to have more than 1 adult attend with twins/triplets please book 2 places and use the discount code TWINS. If you plan to bring your twins/triplets on your own, please only book 1 place.
Term pricing
Our classes are £9.00 for 1 adult + baby. Costs may be slightly higher for specials.
Pay as you go pricing
Pay as you go spaces are added to the timetable on Fridays for the week ahead. Pay as you go will only be available when there is capacity in class. PAYG classes are £10 for 1 adult + baby.
Terms/blocks of classes
Our terms run for between 5 - 10 weeks at a time. You can join the term at any point if a space is available.
Missed sessions
If you are unable to attend a session and want to have a friend or family member attend in your place, you would be welcome to do so. I just kindly ask you or your friend/family member to email me at with their name, baby's name and contact number.
Booking system info
Please note our booking system works on a first come first serve basis. Priority booking doesn't guarantee you a space on a specific class. I would advise trying to book at the earliest opportunity to secure a space on your preferred class day, time and venue.
Waitlist information
If you are unable to get a place on your preferred class, I would kindly advise you to add yourself to the waiting list and you will be notified if and when a space becomes available. Please note you will need to re-join the waitlist every time a term ends.