
Baby Sensory Cardiff East

07514377417 cardiffeast@babysensory.co.uk

Baby Sensory Classes

About the Classes

Our themed classes feature a whole host of musical activities using a variety of different props to help stimulate baby's senses. From parachutes, balloons, bubbles, and light shows to puppets, baby signing, and songs and games to try at home, each session is different, so there's something new every week for a whole year.

Our weekly Baby Sensory classes offer a world full of exciting experiences for babies from birth up to 13 months, which give everyone a wonderful sense of well-being. Backed by over 35 years of research, Baby Sensory was the first (and original) baby program to offer a complete approach to learning and sensory development. What makes us unique is that every activity has been carefully designed to stimulate your baby's senses and move development and learning forwards, creating a wonderful time of sensory exploration for you and your baby to share during that precious first year.

Frequently asked questions...

Q: What is Baby Sensory and why do over 31,000 babies a week come to our classes in the UK?

A: Baby Sensory is a learning and development programme specifically designed to be suitable from birth, taking your babies on a magical journey each week until they reach 13 months of age. From puppet shows and musical instruments, to baby signing, massage, singing and dancing... we offer an incredibly diverse range of activities which differ each week over the entire year!!

Q: Is Baby Sensory a new class?

A: No. Baby Sensory launched in 2006 and classes now run from 28 countries across the world! We are incredibly proud of the awards we have won through the years too.

Q: Is it just a ‘Mummy group’?

A: No! We have a large number of Daddies, Grandparents, relatives and carers who come to class each week, contributing to our diverse, warm and welcoming environment.

Q: What happens at a Baby Sensory class?

A: You will experience 1 hour of magical sensory activities for you and your baby to enjoy each week. Each activity is carefully planned to stimulate your baby's senses and move development and learning forwards. A relaxed atmosphere allows you to take away activities to try at home and gives you the opportunity to meet other parents. 

Baby Sensory Classes

Q: Will I learn anything from the classes?

A: Yes, loads! There is 35 years of expert knowledge and experience behind our lesson plans, and we are privileged to share all of this with you! Each activity has a fundamental developmental benefit behind it, and you’ll leave armed with that knowledge ready to continue the fun and learning with your baby at home.

Q: My partner has the day off work, can they come along too?

A: Yes, of course, we just ask for you to let us know in advance so we can make sure there’s plenty of space for everyone in class.

Q: My baby has extra needs, will Baby Sensory be suitable for them?

A: Absolutely. Everything we do is suitable for all babies, either as it is or with a little adjustment. Please get in touch with us to discuss it so we can help you and your baby get the most out of the sessions.

Q: Is my baby too young?

A: Our classes are suitable from birth. The most miraculous advances in brain structure and function occur in the first three months of life. Our activities are specifically designed to be safe and suitable for babies from birth and developmental information given to help you play at home in an age/stage appropriate way.

Q: What if my baby sleeps or feeds during the session?

A: Your baby will still benefit from sounds, smells, touch, and the closeness of you giving them a lovely snuggle. And you can soak in all the information and ideas ready for when your baby is awake and ready to play.

Q: Is my baby too old?

A: If your baby is under 13 months when the term starts then Baby Sensory is for you!

Q: My baby is crawling/walking, can we still come?

A: Definitely! Our mobile babies get so much from the sessions. There is also time every week to chat with other parents in our wonderful exploratory play area.

Q: When can I join?

A: At any time, providing spaces are available! Baby Sensory is not a course and every week is completely different so there is no need to wait for the next term to start. If you join part way through the term, you only pay for the remaining weeks.