Baby Sensory West Central Glasgow


Prices and Booking information

💚We offer a block of 10 classes for Â£80 or a block of 5 classes for Â£45 payable when booking online.

💚Regrettably there can be no gaps between bookings as this may result in the loss of your place, and we are unable to offer concessions or refunds for any missed classes.

💚If you are unable to attend your class, you are welcome to invite a friend to take your place for the week(s) you will miss at no extra charge, provided they do not already attend the classes.  If you wish to take advantage of this offer, please notify your class leader of your friend's name & their baby's name as soon as possible so that your class leader is aware before the class begins. 

💚Special discounted rates apply for twins and triplets - please ask for details.

As always, if you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to contact Katie

 via text on 07480416379

Thank you.