Baby Sensory North Harrow



Hello, my name is Emily, and I am the class leader for Baby Sensory North Harrow. I first experienced Baby Sensory classes with my son but unfortunately I had him during the covid pandemic, so baby classes weren’t allowed to meet early on, but as soon as we could we did. I have to say, I was a nervous mum coming to baby classes especially on my own, but Baby Sensory was the one class I absolutely loved and I honestly believe it made me more confident and come out my shell a bit because the environment was safe and comfortable for both grown ups and babies. I hadn’t had a huge amount of experience with babies before I had my own but I was amazed at how much babies actually can learn and participate even when they are small. From when I started going to classes I was that parent who came home, downloaded all the songs, learnt them and did them at home for a whole week until we learnt more the following week. Since then, It was always a dream of mine to be able to run classes and when the opportunity came up, I jumped at the chance. I feel so lucky to be able to run these classes, classes which have been tried and tested for years and years and to be able to bring all the fun and excitement each week to every baby and grown up.


Hello, my name is Nandita and welcome to Baby Sensory North Harrow and surrounding areas. As soon as I experienced my first Baby Sensory session and saw for myself how it allowed my children to explore, enjoy and flourish, I couldn't wait to begin my own classes. I’ve always been passionate about working with babies and I was amazed at how they were instantly engaged in the stimulating activities Baby Sensory offers. I was delighted to see how babies were encouraged to learn and discover for themselves through a variety of unique activities, all in a safe and comfortable environment. The sessions also proved to be a great way for parents to meet, relax and bond with each other, as well as their babies. Baby Sensory offers unique, award winning classes which are aimed at giving your baby a fantastic start in life. I was delighted to receive the 'highly commended' award in the Whats On 4 Little Ones 2018 Awards in the 'Most Outstanding Activity Leader for the Under 5s - London' category. All parents and babies are invited to attend and experience it for themselves. Come and join in the fun! Continuous Professional Development: - BSC (Hons) Psychology with French (1999) - Baby Sensory Class Leader (2015) - Baby Sensory Foundations (2017)