Baby Sensory North Harrow


Welcome to Emily & Nandita's magical world!

Baby Sensory North Harrow's classes have been voted as one of the favourite preschool activities by Netmums members in Harrow.  

Baby Sensory was voted as ‘Best National Baby Development’ class at What's On 4 Little One's 2016, 2017 & 2018.

Our classes received the 'highly commended' award in the Whats On 4 Little Ones 2018 Awards in the 'Most Outstanding Activity Leader for the Under 5s - London' category.  She was also a finalist in the 2021 awards.  

Sneak a peek, it’s all amazing! Our multi-award winning classes will introduce you and your baby (or babies) to a world of sensory delights, where you can relax, spend quality time with each other and enjoy meeting other new parents.  

Classes run in Rickmansworth, Kenton & Northwood 

Specifically designed from birth, to aid your child's development, the classes are packed with an incredible variety of sounds, smells, sights, textures, music, dance, singing and more - plus you'll never experience the same class twice.

Here are some of the 5* reviews left by our customers:

"My daughter and I attended the baby sensory classes for nearly a year and she loved every minute of it (as did I!). I could never have imagined that I'd see a difference in her development after almost every class, copying other babies and generally joining in. In almost a year not two classes were the same! I have no idea how Nandita comes up with such amazing classes every week. We're gutted to have finished the classes now that I've returned to work. Thank you for the fantastic weekly classes and for inspiring playtime ideas at home too."


"My daughter and I went to Baby Sensory classes in Northwood from 3 months until my return to work at 9 months, and I highly recommend it. I could tell my daughter enjoyed it as she would get really excited as soon as we entered the hall!

"Nandita is absolutely brilliant with the babies. So many of the babies we met at the group had 'firsts' while we were at the group (whether is was rolling, sitting, crawling, walking etc). I'm convinced it's because the babies were all desperate to crawl or scoot closer to her during the session!"


"I took my son to Nandita's weekly sensory class in Kenton since he was 3 months, we both absolutely loved these classes. The classes were creative and different each week so makes it interesting not just for babies but for parents too. The things you learn in class can be done at home for continued baby stimulation and development. Nandita was also very flexible and understanding with changes to our schedule so we were able to attend classes at other times/location if needed. We will surely miss going to these classes."


"Brilliant classes for babies of all ages. Nandita really goes above and beyond to make her classes fun and stimulating for baby and parents alike. She's also made a real effort to help my baby be safely included despite her medical problem which is hugely appreciated. Thanks again! 

Baby Sensory classes run throughout the year and you can join at any point.  If you see a wait list for a class you'd like to attend, it is worth joining the waiting list as places become available frequently due to people joining at different points.

We also now sell gift vouchers for our award winning classes - the perfect gift for expectant and new parents.  Give them 5 or 10 weeks of classes with Baby Sensory North Harrow and let them experience the magic.

If you would like more information please don't hesitate to contact me on or call me on 07428 748 299
Emily & Nandita x


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