
Baby Sensory West Norfolk

07538200101 westnorfolk@babysensory.co.uk

If you are looking for an array of exciting activities which will be fun for you, help with your babies development and provide you with a wonderful opportunity to bond one on one with your baby, please contact Jay.

Baby Sensory West Norfolk has over 50 different themed lesson plans making sure you'll never experience the same class twice.

All Baby Sensory classes have all been thoroughly researched and follow your babies natural play - rest - play cycle. We incorporate a mixture of teacher led activities in our sensory area and free play during the session this not only prevents your baby from becoming over stimulated but affords a valuable opportunity for the adults to socialise.

At Baby Sensory safety and hygiene is paramount, all of the props we use (and there are literally hundreds) are rigourously cleaned between uses, have been thoroughly tested for safety. They have all been handpicked and researched to ensure they provide the best experience for your baby.

The variety of techniques and props we use is extensive, ranging from movement and music, puppet shows, parachute activities, massage, baby whispering, bubbles, light shows, fibre optics, sign language, ribbons and much much more!

Jay runs Baby Sensory classes in West Norfolk. These multi-award winning classes are held weekly in Downham Market, Wisbech and Kings Lynn. These locations are easily accessible for parents living in the local communities. If you are looking for an exciting activity which will be fun for you and will help with your baby’s sensory development contact Jay on: 07538200101 or email at: westnorfolk@babysensory.co.uk  who will arrange for you and your baby to visit one of her classes.