
Baby Sensory Croydon, Purley and Sanderstead

07980191420 eastsurrey@babysensory.co.uk

Welcome to Baby Sensory East Surrey & Croydon.

Our next available block will be for the Spring term.

Spring term dates:  4 March 25 - 16 May 25 (half term 12 - 21 April) 

Winter term dates: 26 November 24 - 14 February 25 (half term 23 Dec - 6 Jan)

I run 2 dedicated classes for very young babies from birth to 6 months - Wednesday and Friday at 12.10.  These are perfect for first time parents or those simply wanting a a slightly calmer class. All other class times are suitable for babies birth - 13 months

Should your preferred time slot be fully booked, then please a suitable alternative, while registering on the waiting-list for your first choice. Should a space become available all existing customers will be offered first option to swap to the class of your choice.

Look forward to welcoming you and little-one to our weekly fun, informative & interactive Baby Sensory or Hello Baby class soon!

We've done all the research so you might enjoy the fun!

Your Baby Sensory adventure need not end at 13 months - Toddler Sense, Mini Professors or Reading Fairy classes for little ones aged 13 months - 5 years are available in our area, please visit www.toddlersense.com/eastsurrey/ or www.miniprofessors.com/eastsurrey/ and www.readingfairy.com/sutton to find out more!






Venue Days Times Ages Availability