
Baby Sensory Bristol East

07721615412 bristoleast@babysensory.co.uk

Important Booking Terms (August 2021)

We are now able to welcome an adult guest to come along with you to class, for insurance purposes this does need to be an adult not a minor. 

If you or your baby are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, D&V or infectious viruses such as hand foot and mouth DO NOT attend classes.  Regrettably no concessions can be made for missed classes, illness or holidays.  

In the circumstance of extreme weather conditions you will be offered a class swap or an online recording and should a local/national lockdown or COVID-19 related closure take place, your booked sessions will continue online @home for the duration of the lockdown.  (This may involve sourcing or making props from items within your home at minimal cost). Your lockdown package will include a choice of two online classes on your original class day, a recorded session each week and access to all of our content from our private Facebook members group.

Unfortunately we are unable to refund classes in these circumstances.

Sibling policy, sadly due to health and safety and Insurance we are unable to welcome siblings to class please ensure you have childcare for any older siblings so you can enjoy your special time 1-2-1- with your baby.

We are taking paid bookings for classes so if a class is marked as 'waiting list' please try to book onto another class with availability to avoid disappointment.  

Once all spaces have been filled, a place will not become available until the next term (once term commences).  

Follow us on Facebook for regular updates, photos and class news:  https://www.facebook.com/babysensorybristoleast/