Baby Sensory East Leeds

07725 178559


Welcome to Baby Sensory East Leeds!

Are you ready to join the most incredible baby classes in Leeds? I have a variety of venues throughout the week to hopefully accommodate those of you who don't have transport. 

I started running Baby Sensory in 2015, welcome babies and their caregivers into a magical world of exploration, music, baby massage, sights, scents and textures. With over 50 lesson plans, no two sessions will be the same! The beauty of Baby Sensory is that the sessions are 1 hour long, a fantastic opportunity to chat to other parents during our 15/20 minute break half way through the one hour session.

Classes offered

My Baby Sensory sessions are £8 per class (quite a bit cheaper them other developmental  baby groups, and you're getting a full hour!! ) bookable as terms - but you can join at any point!

Mondays - Garforth 

Wednesdays - Great Preston 

Thursdays - Barwick in Elmet 

Fridays - Monk Fryston 

One off Sunday Seasonal Specials run throughout the year too. 

Follow me on facebook for updates as to when bookings are released.

Please do Email me with any queries or contact me on 07725178559.

See you soon xx


Q: Will it be the same sessions as last term?

A: Definitely not! There are over 50 different plans so you could come for the full 13 months and experience a different session every single week!

Q: Can I join in the middle of a term?

A: Absolutely. The website will automatically calculate the remaining weeks of term and charge accordingly. 

Q: I’d like to join a specific class time but does it matter if my baby is out of the age range?

A: Send me a text, email or call me and we can discuss! There is always flexibility.

Q: I just don't know which class to join that will work with nap times and feeding times!

A: Send me a message. We can try you out in one class, and if it doesn't suit - it's so easy to transfer across into another class at the click of a button. 

Q: What if I’m unable to attend one week?

A: Always let me know. Whilst I cannot guarantee it, I often have a space or two available in other sessions during the week so if you’re able, you are welcome to make up the missed session by attending another running that week. 

Q: Maternity pay sucks! I want to attend but can't afford the entire term in one payment...

A: Please just send me a message. I am more than happy to split payments monthly if it helps you join in the magical world of Baby Sensory classes and I get to watch you watch your baby thrive in their development.

Created by experts, our classes are specifically designed from birth, to aid your baby's development, and are packed with an incredible variety of sounds, smells, sights, textures, music, dance, baby signing, puppet shows, floating bubbles and so much more. 



Venue Days Times Ages Availability