
Baby Sensory WSM

07966 532 987 wsm@babysensory.co.uk

Important Booking Terms (August 2021)

We are adhering to the new Government advice so all adults are asked/encouraged to wear a mask on arrival to class and at any time when not on their mat. Babies DO NOT require a face mask.  Social distancing rules from September will no longer be enforced as per the Government guidance.  *However classes are subject to change depending on any new guidance the government announces later in the year.  Our classes will adhere to any changes the government enforces regarding masks, numbers and social distancing.  Should class numbers or social distancing rules change we may offer you an alternative class time.

We are now able to welcome an adult guest to come along with you to class, for insurance purposes this does need to be an adult not a minor.  There will be a sign in sheet on our front desk for guests to leave their name and a contact number for 'track and trace' purposes.

If you or your baby are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 or have recently been in close contact with someone who has, DO NOT attend classes. Please do not attend class if you are awaiting a COVID-19 test result.  Regrettably no concessions can be made for missed classes, illness or holidays.  

Please follow government guidelines regarding isolation.  The new guidance is that you do not have to isolate if you come in to close contact with a person who tests positive from the 19th August 2021.  This only applies if you have had a second vaccine which has been able to take effect for 3 weeks.  Children/babies are also exempt from isolating from the 19th of August 2021.  If you have not had a second vaccine at least three weeks prior to class and we have a positive test confirmed within class you may be required to isolate.  If this is the case we will continue your classes with recorded sessions until you are able to return. 

Regrettably no concessions can be made for missed classes, illness or holidays.  

In the circumstance of a local/national lockdown or COVID-19 related closure, your booked sessions will continue online @home for the duration of the lockdown.  (This may involve sourcing or making props from items within your home at minimal cost). 

Unfortunately we are unable to refund classes in these circumstances.

  By booking you give us permission to pass on your details to the NHS Track/Trace Service.

Sibling policy, sadly due to health and safety and Insurance we are unable to welcome siblings to class please ensure you have child care for any older siblings so you can enjoy your special time 1-2-1- with your baby.

We are taking paid bookings for classes so if a class is marked as 'waiting list' please try to book onto another class with availability to avoid disappointment.  

Once all spaces have been filled, a place will not become available until the next term (once term commences).  

Follow us on Facebook for regular updates, photos and class news: https://www.facebook.com/wsmBabySensory/