
Baby Sensory and Hello Baby Massage Lichfield

07870 862364 lichfield@babysensory.co.uk

Welcome to Vicky Woodings’ Baby Sensory and Hello Baby classes in Fradley and Lichfield!

I offer 2 different courses - Baby Sensory (birth-13 months) and Hello Baby Massage (birth-12 weeks) You can attend just one, both at the same time or one after another - there is no right or wrong way to do this but they are quite different.

Baby Sensory is a baby development class designed for babies from birth-13 months.

We have instruments, baby signing, massage and exercise, sleep techniques, social playtime, action rhymes and songs.  Each hour long session is filled with wonderful sensory experiences for the babies and adults to enjoy!  From fibre optic lights shows to glowing bouncy balls, bubbles, bells, rainbows, tickly feathers, puppets, silky scarves and water play; the possibilities for learning are endless!  Each activity we do aims to enhance learning and development in some way and you’ll never see the same session twice even if you bring your baby for a whole year!! Each class costs £7.50.

Hello Baby is a 7 week course costing £59.50 which includes all course materials, handouts and a sensory bundle to take home. Our next course will begin on Monday 9 September.  I also set up an optional class Whats App group to stay in touch during the week.  You can find out more about the course content here Hello Baby - Baby classes For You & Your Newborn (babysensory.com)

Week 1 Observations

Week 2 Crying and Colic Workshop 

Weeks 3-7 Baby Massage, yoga and reflexology and gentle sensory integration.



Venue Days Times Ages Availability