Baby Sensory Windsor and Maidenhead


Baby Sensory Windsor and Maidenhead

Do you want to have the best time with your baby during their first year?

Then you're in the right place! 

Welcome to Baby Sensory in Windsor! 

Our weekly Baby Sensory classes offer a world full of exciting experiences for babies from birth up to 13 months. 

Every week we will take you on a new  adventure! Whether we are exploring the jungle, sailing the seven seas or travelling to outer space - we really do have a different class for every week of the year! 

Our 1 hour sessions are full of different activities, props and songs and our beautiful exploratory play area gives babies and parents time to socialise and explore new toys and activities. 

What makes Baby Sensory different? 

Baby Sensory was the first (and original) baby programme to offer a complete approach to learning and sensory development. It was developed by Dr Lin Day using over 35 years of research and expertise! 

What makes us unique is that every activity has been carefully designed to stimulate your baby's senses and move development and learning forwards, creating a wonderful time of sensory exploration for you and your baby to share during that precious first year.

Summer Term 2024

Do you want to join us for some wonderful sessions in June?  Book now for your preferred class on Tuesdays below in Windsor.  We have a magical 5 week term planned for the cost of £52.50.

As our classes grow we'll be expanding to Maidenhead and Ascot. I can't wait to meet you and your adorable little ones!


Venue Days Times Ages Availability